Dairy UK and the Action Johne’s Group (AJG) have finalised the strategy for the National Johne’s Management Plan( NJMP). The Myhealthyherd team of Pete Orpin and Dick Sibley have been members of AJG since its inception in 2010.
Over the last 7 years there has been a Johne’s engagement program operating within the UK which has sought to encourage farmers and vets to engage with Johne’s Disease (JD) control. Over 620 vets have now completed the online BCVA training on JD management and are now in a position to deliver consistent advice to UK Dairy farmers. There has been widespread farmer training events and over 2,000 dairy herds are testing their cows every 3 months for JD.
The NJMP has now entered a really meaningful phase where the majority of milk processors will insist that their dairy farmers work with their NJMP trained vet to undertake a risk assessment, define JD status and develop a written JD control plan by October 2018.
There are 6 control strategies available for farmers to use and the objective is for the NJMP trained vet to work with their farmer clients to devise the most suitable control strategy for the herd.
A technical manual has been prepared by the AGJ and Guidance Notes which will be circulated to the 620 NJMP trained vets.
Next steps?
Myhealthyherd provides a NJMP compliant method of undertaking a risk assessment for JD within a dairy herd, integrating the risks with the disease status to generate a predicted prevalence and a control plan which is robust and meaningful. To learn more about of how MHH can help you click here.